Ref: ZNQ01782/00000/00/HOD/GEN/22/T
Title: Appointment of a legal Practitioner to Conduct Association Mergers
Issuer: KwaZulu Natal – Transport
Issue date: 01-07-2022
Sector: Legal Services
Closing date: 08-07-2022
Closing time: 11:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Appointment of a legal Practitioner to Conduct Association Mergers
Tender number: ZNQ01782/00000/00/HOD/GEN/22/T
Closing date and time: Friday, 08 July 2022 – 11:00
Compulsory briefing: N/A
Briefing venue: N/A

Place where goods, works or services are required: 172 Burger Street – PIETERMARTZBURG – PIETERMARTZBURG – 3201

Special Conditions: N/A

Contact Person: Siphokazi Godlwana
Email: siphokazi.godlwana@kzntransport.gov.za
Telephone number: 033-355-0519
FAX Number: N/A

see: ZNQ01782-22T- Request to appoint a legal pracctitioner to conduct association mergers.pdf
