Ref: KLM/LAW: 2021/2022
Title: Appointment of a panel of four (4) attorneys/law firms for a provision of legal service for Kopanong Local municipality, as and when required, for a period of 12 months.
Issuer: Kopanong Local Municipality
Issue date: 15-07-2021
Sector: Legal Services
Closing date: 06-08-2021
Closing time: 12:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Appointment of a panel of four (4) attorneys/law firms for a provision of legal service for Kopanong Local municipality, as and when required, for a period of 12 months.
Tender number: KLM/LAW: 2021/2022
Closing date and time: 06 August 2021 at 12:00

Evaluation Criteria:
80 – Price
20 – B- BBEE
Functionality details in the bid document
CIBD Grading: N/A

Contact Person:
Technical Enquiries
Mr M Baas
082 578 42 78

An advertisement is hereby placed in terms of section 18 (b) of the Supply Chain Management Policy of Kopanong Local Municipality to invite (i) suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to submit proposals

Tender documents will be available from 14 July 2021 upon payment of a non-refundable document fee of R 750.00 during office hours from 08:00 – 16:30 weekdays from the Kopanong Local Municipality procurement office at the head office in Trompsburg. SCM Enquiries: Mr L Motloung – Contact number 083 585 8111 Email address: motloungsir@gmail.com

Payments can be made at the municipal pay point: Trompsburg Unit. Alternative direct or electronic deposits can be made to Kopanong Local Municipality bank account: First National Bank; Account Number: 62021950276; Branch Code: 230932; Type of Account: Public Sector Cheque Account; Reference Bid Number

A compulsory briefing will not be conducted for this tender in order to prevent the spread of covid-19 through interaction. Bidders may send electronic mails for any enquiries related to this bid

Tender documents clearly marked correct bid reference must be deposited in the tender box at the Kopanong Local Municipality in Trompsburg and must be addressed to: The Municipal Manager, Kopanong Local Municipality, 20 Louw Street, Trompsburg, 9913.

see: https://www.sa-tenders.co.za/sites/default/files/bid-advert-09-july-2021…
