Ref: FP17/2021CG
Title: Appointment of a panel of legal expert for a period of three years on as and when required
Issuer: Freedom Park Trust
Issue date: 04-10-2021
Sector: Legal Services
Closing date: 25-10-2021
Closing time: 11:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Appointment of a panel of legal expert for a period of three years on as and when required
Tender number: FP17/2021CG
Closing date and time: Monday, 25 October 2021 – 11:00

Compulsory briefing: N/A
Briefing venue: N/A

Place where goods, works or services are required: CNR KOCH & 7 AVENUE – SALVOKOP – PRETORIA – 0001

Special Conditions: N/A

Contact Person: Mr Edward Buthelezi
Email: edward@freedompark.co.za
Telephone number: 012-336-4003
FAX Number: 012-336-4000

see: https://www.etenders.gov.za/home/Download/?blobName=6fefcaf7-b32f-4b40-a…
