Ref: MMM/BID 687 (A): 2023 /2024
Title: Appointment of a panel of registered debt collectors for the Mangaung Metro Municipality
Issuer: Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Issue date: 06-02-2024
Sector: Debt Services
Closing date: 16-02-2024
Closing time: 11:30
Compulsory meeting: Yes
Meeting date: 09-02-2024

Description: Appointment of a panel of registered debt collectors for the Mangaung Metro Municipality
Tender number: MMM/BID 687 (A): 2023 /2024
Closing date and time: 16 February 2024 at 11:30
Compulsory briefing: 9 February 2024 at 12:00
Briefing venue: Floreat Hall, Bram Fischer Building Cnr. Maakraf & Nelson Mandela
Place where goods, works or services are required: Supply Chain Management Offices, 6 Mannion Road, Orangesig, Bloemfontein, 9300

Proof of payment: lesego.mogapi@mangaung.co.za
Enquiries: Thabo Mkuzangwe 051 411 3219  thabo.mkuzangwe@mangaung.co.za
Enquiries: Lindiwe Ndebele 051 411 3234 lindiwe.ndebele@mangaung.co.za
Enquiries: Khethiwe Selepe 051 405 8527 khethiwe.selepe@mangaung.co.za

The availability of documents: 05 February 2024. All bid documents to be collected and submitted at: Supply Chain Management Offices, 6 Mannion Road, Orangesig, Bloemfontein, 9300.
For more information, documents and specifications, please visit the following website: https://www.etenders.gov.za/
Price: R1 510.00 (nonrefundable). Payments cannot be made at supply chain management offices but can be made at the following municipal pay points:
• Bram Fischer Building Bloemfontein,
• Re –A-Hola Shopping Complex – Botshabelo,
• Thaba – Nchu Civic Centre, Hostel One – Bloemfontein (Dr. Belcher Road),
• Mangaung Regional Offices – Cnr. Moshoeshoe & George Lubbe Roads Bloemfontein.
Alternatively, direct or electronic deposits can be made to the MMM Bank Account:
Nedbank, Account No: 1186239778,
Branch Code:198765,
Ref No: 4302142551029ZZZZZ11.
Proof of payment may be sent to: lesego.mogapi@mangaung.co.za.
Bidders who previously bought the bid will be issued out with the document free of charge.
