Ref: F(REV) 07/08/1920
Title: Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for Collection of Outstanding Debt in excess of 90 Days for a period of Three (3) Years
Issuer: Merafong City Local Municipality
Issue date: 18-08-2019
Sector: Debt Services
Closing date: 17-09-2019
Closing time: 11:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A
Description: Appointment of a Panel of Service Providers for Collection of Outstanding Debt in excess of 90 Days for a period of Three (3) Years
Tender number: F(REV) 07/08/1920
Closing date and time: 17/09/2019 @ 11:00 @ Banquet Hall (Confirm closing date and time)
Compulsory Briefing: No
Fee: R920.00 non-refundable
Document Availability: 21/08/2019
Minimum: 60/80
Company Profile = 10 Points; No of yrs experience = 20 Points; Proven Track Record = 40 Points; Methodology = 10 Points
Sub – Contracting: No
Mr D Schmidt at
(018) 788-9572
Bidders are hereby invited to bid for the above-mentioned services.
Bid documents will be available on weekdays from 07:30 until 15:30, at Merafong City Local Municipality from the Reception Desk at the Municipal Rates and Taxes offices, situated on the corner of Halite and Gold Streets, Carletonville 2500. Payment must be made in cash or by crossed cheque payable to Merafong City Local Municipality.
Bids will initially (if applicable) be evaluated and assessed on the basis of functionality. Upon meeting the minimum functionality criteria as stated above, bidders will further be evaluated and assessed by using the 80/20 or 90/10 preference point system, which awards points on the basis of 90/80 for price and 10/20 for B-BBEE Level of Contribution (Verification Certificate).
Bids are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and bid rules contained in the bid documents and must be placed in a sealed envelope externally endorsed with the bid number, description and closing date of the bid, and be deposited in Bid Box 1, situated at the Revenue Section, cnr Halite and Gold Streets, Carletonville (s open between 07:30 and 16:00). Bids will be opened immediately thereafter, in public.
Bidders should take note of the following bid conditions: • The Merafong City Local Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy will apply • The Merafong City Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of a bid, or to withdraw • Bids that are late, incomplete, unsigned, completed in pencil, submitted by facsimile or electronically will not be accepted • Bids submitted are to hold good for a period of 90 days • Bids must only be submitted on the documentation provided by the Merafong City Local Municipality (original bid documents) • Bidders must be registered on the database. Application forms are obtainable from the Supply Chain Management Unit, • Kanaal Street, Oberholzer or from our official website: www.merafong.gov.za and the Treasury website: www.csd.gov.za • A valid Tax Clearance Certificate of a company (or in the case of a Joint Venture, all the partners in the Joint Venture) must be submitted with the bid document • A certified copy of the latest municipal account on the address of the business and that of the directors, as per CK1, must be submitted with the bid document NB: Bidders may not be in arrears with municipal rates and service charges for more than three months • Certified copies of Identity Documents (IDs) of all shareholders/owners/partners of bidding companies must be submitted with the bid document • Certified copies of company registration documents (CK 1) must be submitted with the bid document • Service providers/contractors must submit an original or certified copy of their BEE certificates from an accredited BEE verification agency. Failure to submit a BEE certificate will lead to forfeiture (loss) of preference points. Bidders will not be disqualified from the bidding process if they do not submit a certificate substantiating the BEE status level of contribution or are non-compliant contributors. Such bidders will score 0 out of a maximum of 10/20 points for Bee • Bidders should submit proof of registration on the Central Supplier Database (CSD).
Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the immediate disqualification of a bid.