Ref: TLM04/2022/23
Title: Appointment of a Service Provider for Debt Collection of Revenue on Overdue Accounts for a Contract Duration of Three Years
Issuer: Thembelihle Local Municipality
Issue date: 07-09-2022
Sector: Debt Collection Services
Closing date: 23-09-2022
Closing time: 12:00
Compulsory meeting: N/A
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Appointment of a service provider for debt collection of revenue on overdue accounts for a contract duration of three years on a commission basis based on success for pre legal activities as well as a set fee for legal collection and remedial activities.
Tender number: TLM04/2022/23
Closing date and time: 23 September 2022 at 12:00
Compulsory briefing:

Mr M Dyushu/Ms C Lavita
Tel: 053 203 0005
Mrs. N. Jaxa/Mr E Mouton
Tel: 053 203 0008

Evaluating principle: 80/20

Enquiries pertaining to the specifications and tender documentation can be addressed to the Acting CFO Mr M Dyushu and Ms C Lavita at telephone (053) 203 0005. A set of tender documents can be obtained from Mrs. N. Jaxa/Mr E Mouton at telephone (053) 203 0008 during office hours from Thursday, 01 September 2022.
A non-refundable cost of R 1500.00 per set. Payments must be made by cash or EFT payable to Thembelihle Local Municipality. Banking Details: Account Holder Thembelihle Local Municipality, Account Number 041 879 171, Branch Hopetown, Branch Number 050103, Ref nr TLM04Name of bidder (e.g., TLM04Thembelihle).

See: http://thembelihlemunicipality.gov.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Debt-Collection.pdf
