Ref: RFPKSDTVET 2021/004
Title: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Consultancy Services on Debt Collection Support (Student Debtors) for a period of three (3) years – KSD TVET College.
Issuer: King Sabata Dalindyebo TVET College
Sector: Debt services
Closing date: 27-09-2021
Closing time: 11:00
Compulsory briefing: No Details
Description: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Consultancy Services on Debt Collection Support (Student Debtors) for a period of three (3) years – KSD TVET College.
Technical enquiries: Ms L. Madwantsi:
E) lmadwantsi@ksdcollege.edu.za
T) 047 505 1018
Technical Enquiries: Mr Z. Malila
E) zmalila@ksdcollege.edu.za
T) 047 505 1010
SCM queries
E) mmzamliza@ksdcollege.edu.za
T) 047 505 1041
Evaluating principle: 80/20
Availability of bid documents: KSD TVET College at R61 Queenstown Road, Cicira Village in Mthatha, SCM Office from 13 September 2021. Provide proof of payment (POP) to obtain document.
Bid Box, Tender box situated at the Reception of the KSD TVET College (Cicira Village).
Payment of a non-refundable deposit of R 150 per document. Banking details: First national Bank: KSD TVET College, Branch Code: 210521, Account No: 62034925836, Account Type: Cheque, Ref No: Tender no and Company name.