Title: Debt collection of traffic fines and speed cameras – extension for the validity period
Issuer: Mpumalanga – Community Safety Security and Liaison
Issue date: 12-02-2024
Sector: Computer Programming, Consultancy and Related Activities
Closing date: 28-03-2024
Closing time: 16:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Debt collection of traffic fines and speed cameras – extension for the validity period
Tender number: SS/020/23/MP-EXTENSION
Closing date and time: Thursday, 28 March 2024 at 16:00
Compulsory briefing: No
Briefing venue: N/A

Place where goods, works or services are required: null

Special Conditions: Publication of extension for the validity period

Contact person: Ms SJ Sibiya
Email: ssibiya@mpg.gov.za
Telephone: 013 766 4441
FAX: 013 766 4615

Tender documents: publication for validy period.pdf
