Ref: PUR 4700/4
Title: Debt Collection Services for PURCO SA Membership
Issuer: Purchasing Consortium of Southern Africa (PURCO SA)
Issue date: 16-09-2020
Sector: Debt Services
Closing date: 07-10-2020
Closing time: 12:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A
Description: Debt Collection Services for PURCO SA Membership
Tender number: PUR 4700/4
Closing date and time: 07 October 2020 at 12h00
Name of Institution: Purchasing Consortium of Southern Africa (PURCO SA)
Date Published: 16 September 2020
Closing Date / Time: 07 October 2020 at 12h00
Contact Person: Rosina Moota
Email: rosina.moota@purcosa.co.za
Telephone number:011 545 0963
Where bid documents can be obtained:
Website: www.purcosa.co.za
Where bids should be delivered:
Physical Address: PURCO SA Offices, Rosen Office Park, 8 Invicta Road, Erand Gardens X49, Midrand, 1682.
Briefing Session
No briefing session.
see: https://etenders.treasury.gov.za/content/debt-collection-services-purco-…