Ref: SCM/2023/69/FIN
Title: Provision of Debt Collection Services
Issuer: Bitou Local Municipality
Issue date: 09-12-2022
Sector: Debt Services
Closing date: 20-01-2023
Closing time: 12:00
Compulsory meeting: N/A
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Provision of Debt Collection Services
Tender number: SCM/2023/69/FIN
Closing date and time: 20 January 2023 12H00
Non-Compulsory briefing: N/A
Briefing details: No detail

Evaluating principle: N/A

Place where goods, works or services are required: Bitou Municpality – Plettenberg Bay – Plettenberg Bay – 660

Documentation – (E) scmtenders@plett.gov.za
Technical Information: Mr. A Zindlu (E) azindlu@plett.gov.za
Tender Procedure Enquiries: Ms. A Mqikwa – (E) scmtenders@plett.gov.za

Tender Documents will be available electronically from the following email address: scmtenders@plett.gov.za Printed copies of the Tender Documents will be available as from 12h00 and thereafter, on weekdays from 07h30 until 16h30, at Bitou Municipality: Supply Chain Management Unit, Shop 59, 2nd Floor, Mellville’s Corner, C/o Main & Marine Drive, Plettenberg Bay. Proof of payment will be required upon collection of Tender documents. Date Available: 15 December 2022.
Tender Documents will be available electronically at no charge. Printed copies of the Tender Documents will be available at a non-refundable fee of R100.00.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter, in public at the Bitou Municipality, Supply Chain Management Unit, Shop 59, 2nd Floor, Mellville’s Corner, C/o Main & Marine Drive, Plettenberg Bay.
Tenders are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and Tender rules contained in the Tender document. The Bitou Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient.
