Ref: NQULM22/21-2022
Title: Re-advert appointment of panel of attorneys for the period of 36 months
Issuer: Nquthu Local Municipality
Issue date: 16-02-2022
Sector: Legal Services
Closing date: 16-03-2022
Closing time: 12:00
Compulsory meeting: No
Meeting date: N/A

Description: Re-advert appointment of panel of attorneys for the period of 36 months
Tender number: NQULM22/21-2022
Closing date and time: Wednesday, 16 March 2022 – 12:00
Compulsory briefing: N/A
Briefing venue: N/A

Place where goods, works or services are required: LOT 83/11 MDLALOSE STREET – NQUTHU – NQUTHU – 3135

Special Conditions: No tender document will be sold on the closing date

Contact Person: MR TC NYANDENI
Email: thokozanin@nquthu.gov.za
Telephone number: 034-271-6100
FAX Number: 034-271-6111

see: Terms of Reference for Panel of Attorneys.docx
