Ref: ECDC/ELN/224/052021
Title: Request from Eastern Cape Development Corporation hereby invites all Debt Collectors for the following: Panel for the Provision of Debt Collection Services, for a period of 36 months.
Issuer: Eastern Cape Development Corporation
Issue date: 15-05-2021
Sector: Debt Collection Services
Closing date: 04-06-2021
Closing time: 12:H00
Description: The full details of the advert and bid document will be available for download from the ECDC website: (www.ecdc.co.za) under tenders, from Wednesday, 12th May 2021.
Bid Box Location: ECDC Head Office, Ocean Terrace Park, Moore Street, Quigney, East London.
For more information, go to: Enquiries/Submission of Interest: S. Vanda – E) tenders@ecdc.co.za
Website: https://08d47494-c487-4c17-940a-98780395a2c0.filesusr.com/ugd/b3eb6c_04a6f6da704e45bb83d9deeb74268ed8.pdf